မြန်မာ့သမိုင်းကြောင်းတစ်လျှောက်မျိုးချစ်စိတ်ဓာတ်ရှင်သန်ထက်မြက်ရေးလှုပ်ရှားမှုများ၊ အလုပ်ရုံဆွေးနွေးပွဲကျင်းပပြုလုပ်ခြင်း News
Myeik University “Oyster Culture Guide” in collaboration with the Department of Marine Science and JIRCAS Japan International Agricultural Science Research Center News
Rector, Pro-Rector, Professors (Heads of Departments) and Management Officers look at the site for a four-story classroom News
4th International Conference on Substantial Scientific Collaboration of Ocean and Earth Sciences Between Myanmar and China (SSCOE-2020) April 5-6, 2021 News
“Flowers of elegance and beauty of Myeik University Ah-nyeint” to broadcast for centenary celebration of Yangon University News