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Zoology Department

Dr Aye Aye Myint
MSc, PhD

Students have opportunities to pursue a Bachelor
of Science Degree, Honours and Master of Science or Research Degrees in zoological sciences. Our Department is actively involved in international research collaborations. We conduct field
surveys in the Taninthayi Region, cooperate closely with Fauna & Flora International and work with our international research partners to better understand and conserve the biodiversity of our natural resources. Our research projects focus on Ecological, Behavioural and Environmental studies. Bio-diversity conservation, Mammalogy, Ornithology, Parasitology, Entomology Ichthyology, and primate DNA are other areas of specific research interest. An on-campus project focuses on creating niches for edible nest swiftlets with the aim of helping local industries.

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Dr Aye Aye Cho
MSc, PhD

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