We aim to produce highly motivated graduate marine scientists who have the knowledge, abilities and skills to research diverse marine environments.
Our undergraduate and postgraduate students develop a broad understanding of the many interconnected processes related to the Earth’s oceans.
Students have opportunities to study marine organisms and are required to participate in practical field training each semester.
Our Department is actively involved in numerous international collaborative research projects focusing on environmental conservation, fishery and aquaculture, planktonology, phycology, and marine biodiversity.

Dr. Cherry Aung Professor(Head) B Sc (Hons:), M Sc, M Res, Ph D
Contact Address E-mail: missaungmarine@gmail.com
Work Experience
Current Professor (Head)
- September 2021 – Professor, Marine Science Department, Myeik University
- December 2016 – Professor, Marine Science Department, Pathein University
- August 2015 – Associate Professor, Marine Science Department, Pathein University
- February 2010 – Lecturer, Marine Science Department, Mawlamyine University
- April 2003 – Assistant Lecturer, Marine Science Department, Mawlamyine University
- November 1995 – Demonstrator, Marine Science Department, Mawlamyine University

B Sc (Hons:), M Sc, M Res, Ph D
Contact address
E-mail: yinyinhtaymarine@gmail.com
Marine Science Activities

Field Trip to Myanmar Atlantic Company Limited (2019)

Boke Pyin Field Trip (2018)

Studen Exchange from Hiroshima University (2020)

Student Exchange with Hiroshima University

Working together with community

Collecting sediment samples near Palaw

Surveys on Mangrove Biodiversity of Mangroce Areas at Pyin Bu Nge (FFI)

Spat collections

Joint Research with Marine Science Department, JIRCAS and DoF staff

Hydrological survey with Tokyo Metropolitan university at Tanintharyi River

Fish Identification

Dr Fridtjof Nansen survey cruise in Myanmar Waters in 2018

Doing research with JIRCAS researchers


Dr Fridtjof Nansen survey cruise in Myanmar Waters in 2018

Collaborative research with JIRCAS in Marine Science Laboratory, Myeik University

Training workshop on Sharks and Rays Identification and Conservation, Myanmar (2018) by Dr. Ahmad Ali, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC) and FFI

Training on Underwater Habitat Mapping (2020)