To encourage the development of the Institution as a premier Institution by promoting enthusiasm in the study of Physics, and make the department vibrant
• To accumulate the Physics knowledge, developing and sharing it in a scientific community
• To provide a creative and stimulating environment for the education of future generations of Physicists through the quality interdisciplinary teaching and research
• To provide the students with a complete Physics knowledge to increase their chances of success in their career years
• To develop strategy in the department to become regionally recognized center for Physics education and research

Msc, PhD
Contact Address
E-mail: drkhinmyomamasawphys@myeikuniversity.edu.mm, physicsdepartmentmyeik@gmail.com,
BSc Physics (1983, Mawlamyine University)
BSc (Honors) Physics (1984, Yangon University)
MSc Physics (1990, Yangon University)
PhD Physics (2005, Yangon University)
Working Experience
(8-5-1987 to 4.8.1994) Demonstrator(Yangon/Pathein University)
(5.8.1994 to 7.8.2000) Assistant Lecturer Pathein/ Yangon University)
(7.8.2000 to 23.12.2014) Lecturer (Yangon/Sittwe/ Yangon/ Pathein University)
(24.12.2014 to 5.12.2018) Associate Professor (Pathein Univeristy)
(11.12.2018 to 3.12.2019) Professor (Myeik University)
(4.12.2019 to Present) Professor and Head (Myeik Univesity)
Local Research Journal
“Study on the Crystal Structure of Myanmar Jade”, Pathein University Research Journal, 2010 Dec. (1st author)
“Manganese Dioxide (MnO2) Nanoparticles Synthesized by Chemical Reduction Method”, Myeik University Research Journal, 2020 May. (co- author)
“Comparison of Elemental Concertation form Different Parts of Egayit Plant (Millingtonia Hortensis Linn) Using EDXRF Technique”, Myeik University Research Journal, 2020 May. (co- author)
“MATLAB Implementation and Analysis of Digital Image Histogram Equalization”, Myeik University Research Journal, 2020 May. (co- author)
“Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Different Phase Formation of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles”, Myeik University Research Journal, 2018 Dec. (co- author)
“Designing of the Path Finding Robotic Vehicle Using Arduino Microcontroller”, Myeik University Research Journal, 2019 Dec. (co- author)
“Influence of pH and Calcination on Sonochemical Synthesis of Manganese Spinel Ferrites”, Magway University Research Journal, 2019 Dec. (co- author)
“Cobalt Ferrite Adsorbents for The Effective and Efficient Removal of Arsenic”, J. Myanmar Acad. Arts Sci, 2020 July. (co- author)
Research and Education Activities
Supervise 3 Bachelor’s Degree Final Project. (BSc Physics) (2014 to 2018 Pathein University)
Supervise 10 Master Candidates. (MSc Physics) (2006 to 2018 Pathein University)
Supervise 13 Master of Research Candidates. (MRes Physics) (2006 to 2018 Pathein University)

MSc, PhD
Contact Address
E-mail: drayengwephys@myeikuniversity.edu.mm, ayengwe2@gmail.com,