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  • အဏ္ဏဝါသက်ရှိများနှင့်ဆက်စပ်သောအကြောင်းအရာများကိုလေ့လာသင်ယူနိုင်မည့်အခွင့်အရေးများရရှိနိုင်ပြီး ပညာသင်ကာလတစ်ခုစီတိုင်းတွင်လက်တွေ့ကွင်းဆင်းလေ့လာမှုများကိုပါဝင်ဆောင်ရွက်ရန်လိုအပ်ပါသည်။
  • အဏ္ဏဝါသိပ္ပံဘာသာရပ်သင်ရိုးညွှန်းတမ်းအရဘာသာရပ်အားလုံးကိုခြုံငုံလေ့လာသင်ကြားသုံးသပ်ပြီးအနှစ်သာရပြည့်ဝသောစာတွေ့၊ လက်တွေ့နှင့်ကွင်းဆင်းလေ့လာတွေ့ရှိချက်များကိုပြန်လည်သုံးသပ်သည့်ကွင်းဆင်းမှတ်တမ်းများတင်သွင်းခြင်းဖြင့်ကောင်းမွန်သောရလဒ်ကောင်းများရရှိနိုင်ပါသည်။




MSc, PhD




2008–2013 Ph. D, Marine Science Department, Mawlamyine University

1996–1999 Master of Science, Marine Science Department, Mawlamyine University


Work Experience

Current Professor (Head)

December  2016 – Professor, Marine Science Department, Myeik University

August       2015 –  Associate Professor, Marine Science Department, Myeik University

February    2010 – Lecturer, Marine Science Department, Myeik University

April          2003 – Assistant Lecturer, Marine Science Department, Myeik University

December 1995 – Demonstrator, Marine Science Department, Mawlamyine University



  • Nyo Nyo Tun and Htay Aung (2009). Study on the Biology of the Pearl Oyster at Pearl Farming Station, Pale` Kyun Waters. Myeik University Research Journal. 1(1): 47-59
  • Nyo Nyo Tun and Sithu Hein (2014). Phytoplankton Composition along Taninthayi Coastal Waters, Myanmar. Myeik University Research Journal. 5(1): 89-100
  • Thinzar Lwin Lwin, Nyo Nyo Tun and Si Thu Hein (2014). Fishery of Stationary Bag Net (Bamboo-Raft) in Myeik Coastal Waters. Myeik University Research Journal. 5(1): 123-141
  • Khin Yu Nwe, Nyo Nyo Tun, Khin May Chit Maung and Kay Khine Soe (2015). Distribution and Abundance of phytoplankton from Masanpa and Panataung in Myeik adjacent waters. Myeik University Research Journal. 6(1): 120-137
  • Nyo Nyo Tun, Si Thu Hein and Lett Wai Nwe (2015). Species composition and abundance of Phytoplankton in Metaw Waters near Kanmaw Island. Universities Research Journal. 8(4): 89-105
  • Kay Khine Soe, Nang Mya Han, Nyo Nyo Tun, Khin Yu Nwe, Khin May Chit Maung. (2015). Seasonal Occurrence and Abundance of Caridean Shrimp Caught in Bag Net Fishery in Adjacent Area of Myeik Estuary. Myeik University Research Journal. 6(1): 138-150
  • Nyo Nyo Tun, Kyaw Thura, Sithu Hein and Hnin Hnin Maw (2016). Study on Some Biological Aspects of Hilsa Shad from Kyaik Phyar River Mouth, Near Myeik. Myeik University Research Journal. 7(1): 121-129
  • Nyo Nyo Tun (2017). Study on Ray Fishery Near Aleman Island, Myeik Archipelago. Universities Research Journal. 9(4): 87-98
  • Khin May Chit Maung, Nyo Nyo Tun, Khin Yu Nwe and Kay Khine Soe. (2018). Carapace Width/length and Body Weight Relationship of Blue Swimming Crab Portunus pelagicus from Aleman Island. Myeik University Research Journal. 9(1): 165-174
  • Tatsuya Yurimoto, Maung-Saw Htoo-Thaw, Nyo-Nyo Tun, Kazumi Matsuoka, Kazuhiko Koike. (2019). Preliminary Physiological Study on the Edible Wild Bivalves in Myeik, Myanmar. Journal of the Asian Fisheries Science. 32(2): 81–87
  • Nyo Nyo Tun, Khin May Chit Maung and Zin Lin Khine. (2019) Reproductive Biology of Rastrelliger brachysoma Near Myeik. Myeik University Research Journal. 10(1): 238-244
  • Zin Lin Khine and Nyo Nyo Tun. (2019). Marine Zooplankton Composition, Abundance and Diversity in the Waters off Kyun-Su Island, Myeik Archipelago. Myeik University Research Journal. 10(1): 245-260
  • Wai Zar Phyo, Sabai Soe and Nyo Nyo Tun. (2019). Fishing Method and Length Frequency Distribution of Grouper (Family- Serranidae) Near Kaw-mei Island, Myeik Coastal Waters. Myeik University Research Journal. 10(1): 261-269
  • Sabai Soe, Nyo Nyo Tun, Wai Zar Phyo and Thet Lyar Win. 2019). Stomach Contents of Nemipterus nematophorus in Myeik Waters. Myeik University Research Journal. 10(1): 270-276
  • Ei Thal Phyu, Nyo Nyo Tun and  Khin May Chit Maung. (2019). Fishery Status of Clams from Palaw and Myeik Waters. Myeik University Research Journal. 10(1): 311-318
  • Si Thu Hein, Khin May Chit Maung and Nyo Nyo Tun. 2019. Food and Feeding Habits of Chacunda Gizzard Shad, Anadontostoma chacunda(Hamilton-Buchanan, 1882) near Myeik Water. Art & Science Journal. 7(4): 117-138
  • Khin May Chit Maung, Phan Minh Thu and Nyo Nyo Tun. 2019. Reproductive Biology of Splendid Ponyfish Leiognathus splendens (Cuvier, 1829) in Myeik Coastal Waters, Myanmar. Journal of Marine Science. 1(2): 7-13
  • Khin May Chit Maung, Ei Thal Phyu and Nyo Nyo Tun. (2019). Reproductive Biology of Deep Pugnose Ponyfish Secutor ruconius (Hamilton-Buchanan, 1822) from Ma-Shwe-Oo, Myeik Coastal Waters. Proceedings of the International Joint Symposium on Challenges on the Educational Development in Agriculture and Food Resources in Asia. 153-157 pp
  • Ei Thal Phyu, Khin May Chit Maung, Nyo Nyo Tun. (2019). Length- Weight Relationship and Condition Factor of Venerid Clam, Meretrix meretrix (Linnaeus, 1758) from Palaw Waters. Proceedings of the International Joint Symposium on Challenges on the Educational Development in Agriculture and Food Resources in Asia. 158-161pp
  • Nyo Nyo Tun, Khin May Chit Maung, Khin Yu Nwe, Lett Wai Nwe, Zaw Myo Hein, Aung Aung Aye and Si Thu Hein. (2020). Surveys of phytoplankton in some potential areas for culturing pearl oyster in Myeik Archipelago. Myeik University Research Journal. 11(1): 385-394
  • Khin May Chit Maung, Ei Thal Phyu and Nyo NyoTun. (2020). Age and growth studies of silver bellies along Myeik coastal waters. Myeik University Research Journal. 11(1): 395-403
  • Ei Thal Phyu, Khin May Chit Maung and Nyo Nyo Tun. (2020). Food and Feeding habits of mud crab Scylla serrata from Myeik Areas. Myeik University Research Journal. 11(1): 418-424


  • 2010. Exponential extraction of Keppa carrageenan from an exotic red seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii being cultured in Myeik Waters.
  • 2013. Ecosystem Survey onboard the R/V Dr. Fridtjof Nansen
  • 2016. Fishery and culture potentials of edible oyster near Myeik, Tanintharyi Region
  • 2018. Assessment of legally protected marine species trade in Myeik Archipelago.
  • 2016-2021. Development of sustainable and environment-friendly aquaculture technique in coastal waters in Myanmar (MYSEFT project) with Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS)
BSc(Hons), MSc, MRes, PhD

Contact address




  • B Sc (Hons:) 2001 from Mawlamyine University.
  • M Sc 2006 from Mawlamyine University.
  • M Res 2010from Mawlamyine University.
  • Ph D 2016 from Mawlamyine University.


Work experience

  • Professor/ December 2019 to date / Myeik University, Myeik.
  • Associate Professor/ December 2018 to December 2019/ Myeik University, Myeik.
  • Lecturer/ December 2016 to December 2018/ Myeik University, Myeik.
  • Lecturer/ December 2014 to December 2016/ Pathein Uinversity/ Pathein.
  • Assistant Lecturer/ December 2011 to December 2014/ Mawlamyine University, Mawlamyine
  • Assistant Lecturer / June 2011 to November 2011 / Mawlamyine University, Mawlamyine (Prelim Student).
  • Assistant Lecturer / March 2010 to June 2011 / Myeik University, Myeik.
  • Demonstrator / March 2010 to March 2010/ Myeik University, Myeik.
  • Demonstrator/ July 2003 to March 2010/Mawlamyine University, Mawlamyine.
  • Demonstrator/ February 2002 to June 2003/Myeik University, Myeik.


Research Journals ‌‌

  • First Author/ Some Aspects of the Biology of Anchovies (Engraulidae) in Setse and Zeephyuthaung Coastal Waters/ Mawlamyine University Research Journal Vol. 6, No. 1.
  • First Author/ The Commercial Fishes of Thanlwin River Mouth and Adjacent Waters, Mon State, Myanmar/ Journal of Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science.Vol. XVII, No. 4.
  • First Author/ Species Composition and Abundance of Ichthyological Fauna from Setse Coastal Area, Mon State, Myanmar/ The Third Myanmar-Japan International Symposium (2016), Vol. 1, No. 9.

Marine Science Activities

Field Trip to Myanmar Atlantic Company Limited (2019)

Boke Pyin Field Trip (2018)

Studen Exchange from Hiroshima University (2020)

Student Exchange with Hiroshima University

Working together with community

Collecting sediment samples near Palaw

Surveys on Mangrove Biodiversity of Mangroce Areas at Pyin Bu Nge (FFI)

Spat collections

Joint Research with Marine Science Department, JIRCAS and DoF staff

Hydrological survey with Tokyo Metropolitan university at Tanintharyi River

Fish Identification

Dr Fridtjof Nansen survey cruise in Myanmar Waters in 2018

Doing research with JIRCAS researchers


Dr Fridtjof Nansen survey cruise in Myanmar Waters in 2018

Collaborative research with JIRCAS in Marine Science Laboratory, Myeik University

          Ecosystem survey training                                      Taxidermy Training            MPA discussion with FFI in Myeik University    MuEuCAP Internship Program            Presentation on part of MuEuCAP training           Snorkeling Training (2018) Swimming Training (2018)  

Training workshop on Sharks and Rays Identification and  Conservation, Myanmar (2018) by Dr. Ahmad Ali, Southeast   Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC) and FFI


Training on Underwater Habitat Mapping (2020)

မြိတ်တက္ကသိုလ်၊ အဏ္ဏဝါသိပ္ပံဌာနနှင့် JIRCAS ဂျပန်အပြည်ပြည်ဆိုင်ရာ စိုက်ပျိုးရေးသိပ္ပံ သုတေသနစင်တာ တို့ပူးပေါင်းဆောင်ရွက်သည့် “ကမာမွေးမြူရေးလမ်းညွှန်”